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IOL Wiki:Multilingual support

From IOL Wiki

This is a brief guide on how multilingual pages work on IOL Wiki (for content pages, not problems -- let me explain about problem pages later).

Each article has its English version as a default page and all the other language versions are created as their subpages. For example, there is [[Rosetta Stone]] page for English and [[Rosetta Stone/ko]] for Korean page.

  1. In the Korean page, the article should start with {{title|로제타 스톤}} so that the title on the top displays the Korean title of the page.
  2. English page should have {{Langbox|en}} on the top of the source and Korean page should have {{Langbox|ko}}. This enables navigation box on the top enabling people to switch to other language versions.
  3. There should be an article [[로제타 스톤]] that REDIRECTS to [[Rosetta Stone/ko]] so that other (Korean) articles containing [[로제타 스톤]] end up having a missing link.

Voilà! You just made this wiki one step more multilingual.

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