This module is used in MediaWiki:Clearyourcache. Changes to it can cause immediate changes to the Wikipedia user interface. To avoid large-scale disruption, any changes should first be tested in this module's /sandbox or /testcases subpage, or in your own user space. The tested changes can then be added in one single edit to this module. Please discuss any changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
This Lua module is used on approximately 2,800 pages and changes may be widely noticed. Test changes in the module's /sandbox or /testcases subpages. Consider discussing changes on the talk page before implementing them. |
Implements {{key press}}
-- This module implements {{key press}}.
local kbdPrefix =
'<kbd class=' ..
'"keyboard-key nowrap" ' ..
'style="border: 1px solid #aaa; ' ..
-- The following is an expansion of {{border-radius|0.2em}}
'-moz-border-radius: 0.2em; -webkit-border-radius: 0.2em; border-radius: 0.2em; ' ..
-- The following is an expansion of {{box-shadow|0.1em|0.1em|0.2em|rgba(0,0,0,0.1)}}
'-moz-box-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0,0,0,0.1); -webkit-box-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0,0,0,0.1); box-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.2em rgba(0,0,0,0.1); ' ..
'background-color: #f9f9f9; ' ..
-- The following is an expansion of {{linear-gradient|top|#eee, #f9f9f9, #eee}}
'background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #eee, #f9f9f9, #eee); ' ..
-- Force black color to fix [[phab:T200258]]
'color: #000; ' ..
'padding: 0.1em 0.3em; ' ..
'font-family: inherit; ' ..
'font-size: 0.85em;">'
local kbdSuffix = '</kbd>'
local keyText = {
['caps lock'] = '⇪ Caps Lock',
['[[caps lock]]'] = '⇪ [[Caps Lock]]',
['shift'] = '⇧ Shift',
['[[shift key|shift]]'] = '⇧ [[Shift key|Shift]]',
['enter'] = '↵ Enter',
['[[enter key|enter]]'] = '↵ [[Enter key|Enter]]',
['cmd'] = '⌘ Cmd',
['[[command key|cmd]]'] = '⌘ [[Command key|Cmd]]',
['command'] = '⌘ Command',
['[[command key|command]]'] = '⌘ [[Command key|Command]]',
['opt'] = '⌥ Opt',
['[[option key|opt]]'] = '⌥ [[Option key|Opt]]',
['option'] = '⌥ Option',
['[[option key|option]]'] = '⌥ [[Option key|Option]]',
['tab'] = 'Tab ↹',
['[[tab key|tab]]'] = '[[Tab key|Tab]] ↹',
['backspace'] = '← Backspace',
['[[backspace]]'] = '← [[Backspace]]',
['win'] = '⊞ Win',
['[[windows key|win]]'] = '⊞ [[Windows key|Win]]',
['menu'] = '≣ Menu',
['[[menu key|menu]]'] = '≣ [[Menu key|Menu]]',
['up'] = '↑',
['[[arrow keys|up]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|↑]]',
['down'] = '↓',
['[[arrow keys|down]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|↓]]',
['left'] = '←',
['[[arrow keys|left]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|←]]',
['right'] = '→',
['[[arrow keys|right]]'] = '[[Arrow keys|→]]',
['asterisk'] = '*',
['hash'] = '#',
['[[#]]'] = '[[Number sign|#]]',
['colon'] = ':',
['[[:]]'] = '[[Colon (punctuation)|:]]',
['pipe'] = '|',
['[[|]]'] = '[[Pipe symbol||]]',
['semicolon'] = ';',
['[[;]]'] = '[[Semi-colon|;]]',
['equals'] = '=',
-- Left & right analog sticks.
['l up'] = 'L↑',
['l down'] = 'L↓',
['l left'] = 'L←',
['l right'] = 'L→',
['l ne'] = 'L↗',
['l se'] = 'L↘',
['l nw'] = 'L↖',
['l sw'] = 'L↙',
['r up'] = 'R↑',
['r down'] = 'R↓',
['r left'] = 'R←',
['r right'] = 'R→',
['r ne'] = 'R↗',
['r se'] = 'R↘',
['r nw'] = 'R↖',
['r sw'] = 'R↙',
-- PlayStation.
['ex'] = '×',
['circle'] = '○',
['square'] = '□',
['triangle'] = '△',
-- Nintendo 64 and GameCube.
['c up'] = 'C↑',
['c down'] = 'C↓',
['c left'] = 'C←',
['c right'] = 'C→',
['c ne'] = 'C↗',
['c se'] = 'C↘',
['c nw'] = 'C↖',
['c sw'] = 'C↙',
local keyAlias = {
-- ['alternate name for key (alias)'] = 'name for key used in key table'
['[[cmd key|cmd]]'] = '[[command key|cmd]]',
['[[cmd key|command]]'] = '[[command key|command]]',
['[[opt key|opt]]'] = '[[option key|opt]]',
['[[option key]]'] = '[[option key|option]]',
['[[opt key|option]]'] = '[[option key|option]]',
['[[win key|win]]'] = '[[windows key|win]]',
['*'] = 'asterisk',
['#'] = 'hash',
[':'] = 'colon',
[';'] = 'semicolon',
['l-up'] = 'l up',
['l-down'] = 'l down',
['l-left'] = 'l left',
['l-right'] = 'l right',
['l-ne'] = 'l ne',
['l-se'] = 'l se',
['l-nw'] = 'l nw',
['l-sw'] = 'l sw',
['r-up'] = 'r up',
['r-down'] = 'r down',
['r-left'] = 'r left',
['r-right'] = 'r right',
['r-ne'] = 'r ne',
['r-se'] = 'r se',
['r-nw'] = 'r nw',
['r-sw'] = 'r sw',
['ps x'] = 'ex',
['ps c'] = 'circle',
['ps s'] = 'square',
['ps t'] = 'triangle',
['c-up'] = 'c up',
['c-down'] = 'c down',
['c-left'] = 'c left',
['c-right'] = 'c right',
['c-ne'] = 'c ne',
['c-se'] = 'c se',
['c-nw'] = 'c nw',
['c-sw'] = 'c sw',
local Collection = {}
Collection.__index = Collection
function Collection:add(item)
if item ~= nil then
self.n = self.n + 1
self[self.n] = item
function Collection:join(sep)
return table.concat(self, sep)
function Collection:sort(comp)
table.sort(self, comp)
return setmetatable({n = 0}, Collection)
local function keyPress(args)
local chainNames = {
'chain first',
'chain second',
'chain third',
'chain fourth',
'chain fifth',
'chain sixth',
'chain seventh',
'chain eighth',
'chain ninth',
local result =
local chainDefault = args.chain or '+'
for i, id in ipairs(args) do
if i > 1 then
result:add(args[chainNames[i - 1]] or chainDefault)
local lc = id:lower()
local text = keyText[lc] or keyText[keyAlias[lc]] or id
result:add(kbdPrefix .. text .. kbdSuffix)
return result:join()
local function keypress(frame)
-- Called by "{{key press|...}}".
-- Using the template doubles the post‐expand include size.
return keyPress(frame:getParent().args)
local function press(frame)
-- Called by "{{#invoke:key|press|...}}".
return keyPress(frame.args)
return {
keypress = keypress,
press = press,