IOL 2003 Problem #5 French

The table below contains French verbs with prefixes and the corresponding verbs without prefixes, along with the English translations of all. The cells marked with ------ mean that there is a prefixed verb there with no prefixless counterpart. In some verbs the prefixes have been left out.

réagir react ------ ------
___assortir pick again assortir pick
recommencer recommence commencer begin
recomposer compose anew composer compose
réconcilier reconcile concilier reconcile
réconforter comfort conforter comfort
recréer recreate créer create
récréer amuse ------ ------
___curer clean curer clean
redire say again dire say
réduire reduce ------ ------
rééditer publish again éditer publish
refaire redo, remake faire do, make
___former reform ------ ------
___former form again former form
___futer refute ------ ------
réincarner reincarnate incarner incarnate
rejouer resume playing jouer play
___lancer throw again lancer throw
___munérer remunerate ------ ------
rénover renovate ------ ------
réopérer operate again opérer operate
repartir depart once more partir depart
___partir distribute ------ ------
répéter repeat ------ ------
résonner sound sonner sound
révéler reveal ------ ------

(a) Fill in the gaps using information from the table. Explain your solution.

—Boris Iomdin