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IOL 2007 Problem #2 Movima

Given below are words of the Movima language in two forms: the base form and the negative form. Some forms have been left out:

Base form Translation Negative form
maropa papaya kas maroka’pa
joy to go kas joya:ya’
bi:law fish kas bika’law
delto:veń butterfly kas dela’to:veń
itilakwanči:ye little boy kas itika’lakwanči:ye
ełan your comb kas ełana:na’
lopa:vos manioc plant kas lopaka’vos
jiwa to come kas jiwaka:ka’
bakwanyiń my wrist kas bakwana’yiń
talummo sweet banana kas taluma’mo
to:mi water kas taluma’mo
en to stand kas ena:na’
vuskwa dust kas vusa’kwa
wa:kato:da meat kas waka’kato:da
as to sit
enferme:ra nurse
jiła:pa to grate manioc
de to lie
rulrul jaguar
tipoysu:da dressed in tipoy
to roar kas wurula:la’
to see kas dewaja’na
to see traces of somebody kas deka’wajna

(a) Instead of standing for a sequence of two sounds, a certain combination of two letters always stands for a single specific consonant in Movima. Which combination is this?

(b) Fill in the gaps.

y reads as y in yahoo, č as ch in church, ł, ń, are specific consonants in Movima; a colon after a vowel indicates length. A tipoy is a long sleeveless chemise worn by Indian women. The Movima language is spoken by approx. 1500 people in the north of Bolivia. It is not known to be related to any other language.

—Dmitry Gerasimov