IOL 2010 Problem #1 Budukh
Given are verbs of the Budukh language in three forms:
form 1: prohibitive mood, class I (masculine) |
form2: future tense, class I (masculine) |
form 3: future tense, class II (feminine) |
amarxar | arxara | arxara | sleep |
čömorꞕuc̣u | čörꞕuc̣ura | exchange | |
čimeƣi | čirƣira | carry, lead | |
ꞕümoč̣onxu | ꞕüč̣onxuna | ꞕürč̣onxuna | overtake |
osura | orsura | put | |
womolṭu | wolṭula | tie | |
ꞕarkira | set on (animals) | ||
jölküla | jölküla | make to roll | |
qalq̇ala | lie, recline | ||
quroƣura | quroƣura | bring to a halt | |
sonḳona | sonḳona | be startled | |
amolq̇ol | alq̇ola | sit down | |
emensi | extinguish | ||
ꞕömörč̣ü | push | ||
čumaraq̇ar | overtake | ||
ꞕamolƣu | swallow | ||
ïmankan | remain | ||
jemeč̣i | cross, go across |
Fill in the vacant cells (you don't have to fill in the shaded ones).
⚠ The Budukh language belongs to the Nakh-Daghestanian language family. It is spoken by approx. 5000 people in Azerbaijan. ö and ü = French eu and u (German ö and ü); ï ≈ u in but. č, č̣, ƣ, ꞕ, j, ḳ, q̇, š, ṭ, w, x are consonants.
—Ivan Derzhanski