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IOL 2014 Problem #5 Northwest Gbaya

Here are some words and word combinations in Northwest Gbaya and their English translations in arbitrary order:

ʔáá, ʔáá náng nú kò, ʔáá sèè, búmá yík, búmá zù yík, dáng gòk, dí fò, dí sèè, kò~yík, kò zòk, náng wí, nú fò, nú lébé, sèè wí, yík, yík wí, zù
at the surface; eye socket; eyebrow; eyelash; eyes/face; field edge; foot; happiness; liver; good field; nostril; above, on; poisonous snake; tip of the tongue; to be dying; to envy; to put

(a) Determine the correct correspondences.

(b) Translate into English: búmá zù, kò, lébé gòk, lébé wí.

(c) Translate into Northwest Gbaya: at the centre; head; displeasure; nose.

⚠ The Northwest Gbaya language belongs to the Ubangian family. It is spoken by approx. 200 000 people in the Central African Republic. The Northwest Gbaya words are given in a simplified transcription. ʔ is a consonant.

—Boris Iomdin