
From IOL Wiki

Korea Linguistics Olympiad (KLO; Korean: 한국언어학올림피아드) is a national linguistics competition in South Korea. It is held annually, usually in November, and is a part of the team selection process for Republic of Korea to International Linguistics Olympiad. It is organized by KLO organizing committee (Korean: 한국언어학올림피아드 조직위원회).


KLO started in 2010 as IOL National Representative Selection (Korean: 국제언어학올림피아드 국가대표 선발전) by Korea Linguistics Society. Later it was organized by Language Research Institute (LRI) at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in 2015--2017, and, by HK Semiosis Research Center in 2018--2019. KLO started using its current name in 2017. Nowadays, KLO is independently organized by KLO organizing committee.
